koder til pokemon på Gameboy

koden til 150 rare candy

du skal først snakke med oldmand og så flyver du til cinnabar island og surfe på 50% land og 50% vand og så vil du møde en flimmer pokemon den skal du stikke af fra og så skal du vendte lidt og så skal du kikke på dit item og du vil have 150 rarecandy

p.s. du skal ligge din rarecandy på plads 6


Hints & Koder
Kæmp mod Safari Zone PoKéMoNs Tricket

Dette trick gør at du kan kæmpe mod Safari Zone PoKéMoNs
udenfor Safari Zone.

1. Først skal du have en PoKéMoN som kan du har lært at svømme.
2. Gå ind i Safari Zone og gå til det sted hvor den
PoKéMoN du vil fange er. Bliv i Safari Zone
til din tid løber ud.
3. Tag til Seafoam ved at svømme syd om Fuchsia City,
men hvis du møder nogle fjender på vejen må du
gøre tricket om igen. Det gælder ikke hvis du møder PoKéMoNs
i vandet på vejen der over.
4. Når du kommer til Seafoam Islands skal du på højre side
svømme på 50% vand og 50% land. Bliv ved med at svømme op og ned
der, til sidst møder du Safari Zone PoKéMoNs.
Dem kan du trygt og roligt fange, for nu kan de ikke løbe væk, og du kan bruge almindelige balls.

Husk: Hvis du bruger dette trick andre steder vil du komme til
at møde MissingNo, og den må du ikke fange, for den ødelægger dit spil!

S.S. Anne Tricket

Få HM 01 af kaptajnen når du har vundet over ham. Gå ikke ud af skibet,
men kæmp mod en trainer. Tab, og du vil komme til det Poke Center.
S.S. Anne er ikke sejlet.

Flere Penge Tippet

Hvis du mangler penge, er en god måde at kæmpe mod The Elite Four,
for hver gang du vinder, får du en masse penge.

Master Ball Tricket

Få alle slags PokéBalls, undtagen Safari Balls, til at virke som en Master Ball:
Tryk B når du kaster bolden, og tryk A lige så snart den rammer.

MissingNo Tricket

Dette er ikke et særlig godt trick, med mindre du absolut vil se MissingNO.
Gå til Viridan City og tal med manden, som lærer dig at fange Weedle,
flyv derefter til Cinnabar Island og svøm på 50% vand og 50% land.
Svøm op og ned. På et tidspunkt møder du MissingNO, men lige så snart
du har mødt den, vil dit Hall of Fame været ødelagt, og hvis du fanger
den, vil hele dit spil være ødelagt.

Dagpleje Tippet

Får hvert skridt du tager, får den PoKéMoN du har i dagpleje ét Exp. Point.

Uendelige chancer til at fange en sjælden PoKéMoN Tippet

Når du ser en af de sjældne PoKéMoNs så gem, for hvis du så ikke fanger den,
kan du bare slukke og tænde din Game Boy, for så vil den sjældne PoKéMoN stadig være der.

Hårdere Angreb Tricket

Når du kæmper, tryk på A, så vil dit angreb være mere powerfuldt.






helt i starten af spillet er der et hus oppe i højer side. Der er 100000 kr.





Blue version Pokemon:
The following Pokemon are only found in the Blue version of the game.
Information in this section was contributed by Hitmonle12.

Red version Pokemon:
The following Pokemon are only found in the Red version of the game.
Information in this section was contributed by Hitmonle12.

Highest abilities:
Information in this section was contributed by Nathan.

1-3 Solar Beam
4-6 Fire Spin
7-9 Hydro Pump
10 String Shot
11 Harden
12 Psybeam
13 See 10
14 See 11
15 Agility
16-18 Mirror Move
19-20 Super Fang
21-22 See 15
23 And 24 Acid
25 Thunder
26 Thunder Wave
27-28 Fury Swipes
29-30 Double Kick
31 Body Slam
32-33 See 29-30
34 Thrash
35 Light Screen
36 Metronome
37 See 4-6
38 Roar
39 Double-Edge
40 Double Slap
41-42 Haze
43-45 See 1-3
46-47 Growth
48-49 Psychic
50-51 Earthquake
52-53 Slash
56-57 See 7-9
58 Flamethrower
59 Take Down
60-61 See 7-9
62 Water Gun
63 Teleport
64-65 Reflect
66-68 Submission
69-70 Slam
71 Sleep Power
72 And 73 See 7-9
74-76 Explosion
77-78 See 15
79-80 Psychic
81-82 Screech
83 Slash
84-85 See 15

The remainder are the same attacks listed above.
Effective Pokemon matching:
Information in this section was contributed by cdnolan.

Normal vs. Nothing
Fire vs. Plant, Bug, Plant-Poison, Plant-Psychic, Bug-Flying, Bug-Plant, Bug-Poison, Ice-Psychic, Ice-Flying.
Water vs. Ground, Fire, Rock-Flying, Rock-Ground, Poison-Ground.
Ice vs. Plant, Ground, Dragon, Normal-Flying, Fire-Flying, Plant-Poison, Plant-Psychic, Rock-Flying, Rock-Ground, Bug-Flying, Poison-Flying, Electric-Flying, Dragon-Flying
Plant vs. Ground, Water, Rock-Ground, Rock-Water, Water-Ice, Water-Fighting, Water-Psychic
Electric vs. Water, Normal-Flying, Fire-Flying, Water-Flying, Rock-Flying, Rock-Water, Bug-Flying, Poison-Flying, Water-Ice, Water-Flying, Water-Poison, Water-Psychic, Ice-Flying
Rock vs. Fire, Bug, Normal-Flying, Fire-Flying, Water-Flying, Rock-Flying, Bug-Flying, Bug-Plant, Bug-Poison, Poison-Flying, Water-Ice, Ice-Psychic, Ice-Flying, Electric-Flying, Dragon-Flying
Ground vs. Fire, Electric, Poison, Rock-Ground, Poison-Ground, Ghost-Poison
Fighting vs. Normal, Rock-Ground, Rock-Water, Water-Ice
Bug vs. Plant, Psychic, Plant-Psychic
Poison vs. Plant, Bug, Plant-Psychic, Bug-Flying, Bug-Plant
Flying vs. Plant, Fighting, Bug, Plant-Poison, Plant-Psychic, Bug-Flying, Bug-Plant, Bug-Poison, Water-Fighting
Psychic vs. Fighting, Poison, Plant-Poison, Poison-Ground, Poison-Flying, Ghost-Poison, Water-Fighting, Water-Poison
Ghost vs. Psychic, Plant-Psychic, Water-Psychic, Ice-Psychic
Hint: Missingno Pokemon:
The U.S. version of the game contains the following glitch Pokemon, which is obtained by using these steps. Go to Cinnabar Island. Enter into the building where the man makes Pokemon out of fossils. Enter the first room in the building with people that want to trade Pokemon. Trade with one of these people; it does not matter which one. Go back outside and move to the far right side of the building. Then, SURF up and down the side of the island while half on land and half in the water. Keep surfing until challenged by a glitch that resembles a microchip or barcode. He is part bird and part water type and starts on level 80. Note: Obtaining Missingno can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.
Information in this section was contributed by Roaddog Smith, Craig Wagner, Nitro, Shorty.

Store the Missingno Pokemon in Bill's PC. It will eventually turn into a Rhydon.
Information in this section was contributed by KeyMan3216.

If you use the Missingno trick to surf up and down Seafoam Islands, you can also capture Squirtle and Charmeleon.
Information in this section was contributed by marq martin.

Hint: Pokemon "M":
Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man. When he asks if you are in a hurry, answer "No". After he explains how to catch a Weedle, fly to Cinnabar Island. SURF on the side of Cinnabar that faces the Seafoam Islands to find the Pokemon "M". You may also find level 132 Mewtwos and Alakazams. Note: Obtaining M can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that M be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.
Information in this section was contributed by Phil Abbate, Cj0004, storm 64 and Nick.

By using this trick, you also have a very rare chance of getting Mew.
Information in this section was contributed by Nathan.

Hint: Unlimited items:
Find the Missingno Pokemon and defeat him. A design will appear in your sixth item. Deposit your sixth item individually until it totals 99. Then you can divide the items by fifty. If a no more room message appears, just withdraw an item and keep depositing the sixth item. Check the CPU when this is complete to find two groups of 99 of the same item. Note: Obtaining Missingno can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.
Information in this section was submitted by Gian-Paul Vidal and Shorty.

To get 99 of any item, first put the item to be multiplied in the sixth slot. Now use FLY and go to Viridian City. Talk to the old man almost all the way north of the town. When he asks if you are in a hurry, say no and watch him catch a weedle. After that, fly to Fuchsia city. Make your way south and, when you reach the water's edge, use SURF and go to Seafoam Island. After arriving, swim up and down the beach until you run into a Pokemon called "M" (a glitch like Missingno). Once you see him, kill him or run away -- do not catch him! After that, you should have 99 of your 6th item! Note: You can do this code as many times as you want and you can catch "M" another time. Additionally, instead of "M" a level 128 Starmie (Red Version) or Snorlax (Blue Version) may appear. Note: Obtaining "M" can keep the game from continuing correctly, including preventing linked battles, and other bad effects. It is recommended that Missingno be released unless you are just experimenting with the game.
Information in this section was contributed by Spounge, Victor Twu, and JRPikaDude.

Use the unlimited item trick with "Rare Candy". Once duplicated, use the "Rare Candys" on all your Pokemon that are at very low levels to quickly increase them. Note: The highest level possible is 100.
Information in this section was contributed by AndyJ.tOrReS, bjwe, and Pixey.

Instead of having to fly back to Viridian to do the trick over again (if duplicating more than one item), the items may be switched if you stay in the water.
Information in this section was contributed by Rodney Dale.

Use the unlimited item trick after getting 1 Protein, Iron, Carbos, and Calcium at Go to Celadon city. Put Protein in the sixth spot, duplicate it, then repeat with Iron and the rest of the items. Use them on your Pokemon to pump them up.

When trying to catch rare Pokemon (Mewtwo, the Legendary Birds, etc.) use the unlimited items trick and duplicate the Masterball. You will never miss catching a Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by David Thorpe.

Hint: Unlimited money:
For unlimited money, place a gold nugget in the sixth item slot and get ninety-nine of them by using the "Unlimited items" trick. Sell all except one to increase your money. Use the remaining gold nugget to repeat this procedure. Go to any Pokemart and sell the nuggets until you have 999,999 coins. Go to Celadon City and go to the Game Corner. Go inside and talk to the man at the counter, who is on the right of the counter. He will ask you if you need coins. Say yes. He will give you 50 coins. Continue until you have about 7,000 coins. Now you can buy any item or Pokemon in the Prize Exchange house.
Information in this section was contributed by Lee Speer and Nnogu11.

Using a Full Restore with the "Unlimited items" trick can also result in a large amount of money when sold.
Information in this section was contributed by Ryan Johnson.

Hint: Finding money:
Walk around and press A in the Rocket Game Corner to find coins that people have dropped.
Information in this section was contributed by Aaron Brosius.

Go to the Rocket Game Corner, go up the first aisle and stand on the last chair on the left side. Then, move up one space then go right one space. Press A to find 100 coins.
Information in this section was contributed by Gemlink.

Hint: Saving money:
Instead of repeatedly paying to get in the Safari Zone, save the game after entering. Then, instead of paying again, just turn off the Game Boy and turn it back on.
Information in this section was contributed by Shaun Combs.

Super potions cost 700 and revive by 50. However, in the Celedon City Department Store, lemonade costs 350 and revives by 80. Note: This is on the fifth floor, at the vending machines.
Information in this section was contributed by IRDanWhoU.

Hint: More than one rare candy item slot (Blue version):
Note: This code requires six badges, FLY, CUT, SURF, and may only be done after the Elite 4 are defeated. Use the "Unlimited items" trick for "Rare Candys". Then, fly to Cerulean City and go to the end of the Nugget Bridge. Turn left to where there is a long strip of grassy area bordered by water. Then, SURF through the water path to the hidden dungeon. Fight various Pokemon and find a Rare Candy, then save the game. Turn off the game, then load the previously saved game. Tight another Pokemon or two, then press Start, go to items, two slots of Rare Candys should appear. Note: This trick may not work every time, and may also be done on Victory Road.
Information in this section was contributed by ZLF.

Hint: Rare Candy warning:
Be careful when using Rare Candies. If you use too many rare candies your Pokemon will only get half as strong as it could be.
Information in this section was contributed by Dogracerx9 and jon rawer.

Once you have a level 100 Pokemon, there is no way to level it more, even with the "Unlimited Rare Candies" trick. You can only catch a level 255 Pokemon, but once it grows a level it will return to level 100.
Information in this section was contributed by PoKeBrood1.

Hint: Catch Pokemon easier:
Duplicate a Master Ball using the "Unlimited Items" trick. Then, use the Master Balls on all the Pokemon that you do not have to quickly capture them.
Information in this section was contributed by AndyJ.tOrReS.

Hint: Alternate music:
Defeat the Elite Four, and at some point in the game, perform the "Unlimited items" trick. Go to the PC and look at the Pokemon League stats. The music will change and remain changed as long as your remain in the Pokecenter.
Information in this section was contributed by mewpuff.

Hint: Level up at a daycare center:
For the daycare center, 1 step is equal to 1 EXP point. So, putting a low level Pokemon, or a Pokemon that does not need many EXP points to level up is the easiest way to use the daycare center. High level Pokemon will require about half the game's worth of steps before it will evolve once. Also, do not leave unevolved Pokemon there too long, as they can level up past their evolution point and still be the same type of Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by WebWhizTommy.

Hint: Reviving Pokemon easily:
Note: This trick requires a level 99 or less Pokemon, a Rare Candy, and a Max Potion. If a Pokemon faints, use the Rare Candy, then the Max Potion. Note: The battle must end before doing this trick.
Information in this section was contributed by Cale Holmes.

Hint: Old man on roof:
Step to the right of the door at the gym where you get the Volcano Badge. You should be on the edge of the water. Use Lapras or another Pokemon to SURF out into the water. Then, come back in and go to the door. The game will say that the door is locked. Look on the roof to find an old man.
Information in this section was contributed by Stone Cold Clayton and Do Gweon.

Hint: Teleporting old man:
This trick is similar to the old man on roof trick. Go into Celadon City. Store your bike on the PC, then go to the building that leads to Cycling Road. When you try to go past the guard, he will tell you that no pedestrians are allowed on Cycling Road. While he is telling you this, look at the wall behind him. The old man will be on top of the wall. When you move back by one little square, go down toward the stairs and try to get past the guard again. He will tell you the same thing again, and this time the old man will be a little to your left.
Information in this section was contributed by SuPErSaiYAn65.

Hint: Phantom PC:
Go to the hotel in Celadon City. Move to the upper right corner. Just like in the Pokemon Centers, stand just in front of the upper right hand corner. Press A and you can access the PC.
Information in this section was contributed by Visiop.

Hint: Easy experience:
An easy way to earn experience for a weaker Pokemon is to put your lowest-level Pokemon at the top of your list. When a fight begins, it will be the first Pokemon released. Instead of fighting, just switch to a stronger Pokemon. The weaker Pokemon will share the experience from the battle without being put in any danger. This is a good way to make your Pokemon gain experience evenly.
Information in this section was contributed by Ed Griffiths.

You can get high experience points by using the Exp. All. Deposit the other Pokemon in the poke box in a pokemon center. Then, simply go defeat a Pokemon. The experience will multiply itself by two, therefore giving the Pokemon double experience.

Place the Pokemon that you want to level up at the top of your list. Fight the Elite Four, then switch to the Pokemon you want to win with, and bring it out. Keep repeating this with every trainer and Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by James Talley.

Hint: Winning money in Celadon City:
Enter Celadon City and get the coin case from the man in the back of the diner. Go to the slots and ask for some free coins. You will use these to play the slots and win Pokemon prizes. Here is how to find the slot machine that pays out the most. When you walk in, there are rows of slots. Find the man to the far left that says "wins come and go". Below him is a machine that is out of order. Play the machine directly beneath it. Do not get frustrated if you do not win constantly. If it stops paying out a lot, leave, go train your Pokemon, and come back later. Note: This trick works more often in the "Blue" version of the game.
Information in this section was contributed by PoKeLoVeR3456.

Hold Select during slot machine spins for a better chance of winning.
Information in this section was contributed by PoKeLoVeR3456.

Also try walking around Celadon's Game Corner and repeatedly press A to find coins that people have dropped
Information in this section was contributed by James Queen and Barrett Steinberg.

Hint: Easy coins:
When you go to the house with the group of casino machines, press B on the gambling people's backs to gain 10 to 20 coins each. You can get up to 120 coins this way.
Information in this section was contributed by TVgen98.

Hint: Teleport:
An Abra is hard to catch, but it is worth it. When your Pokemon are weak and you need to get to a Pokécenter quickly, press Start and choose Pokemon. A list of your Pokemon will appear. If you have Abra with you, choose him and select teleport. Note: You have to be outside first; use an escape rope if needed. It will take you directly to the last Pokemon Center visited.
Information in this section was contributed by James Queen.

Hint: Clone Pokemon:
Note: This trick requires another Game Boy and Pokemon game. Trade the Pokemon to be cloned, and have the other player get a Pokemon that he or she does not care about. Trade them, and make sure the player receiving the bad Pokemon can see the other player's screen. When the Game Boy that receives the good Pokemon's displays "Waiting", get ready to shut the other Game Boy off. When the "Waiting" message disappears, turn off the Game Boy that is receiving the bad Pokemon. When the "Trade completed" message appears, turn off the remaining Game Boy. Both games will have the same good Pokemon when they are turned back on. Note: Do not attempt this trick with any saved games you wish to keep, as it can corrupt those files if done incorrectly.
Information in this section was contributed by Spounge.

Hint: Other ways to get to a Pokécenter:
Besides teleporting, the following methods may also be used to get to a Pokécenter. Use Dig when in a cave; Fly (HM05 that lets you fly to any desired town; Also try Softboiled that you can only teach Chansey. It takes some of Chansey's health to give to another Pokémon, and also restores Chansey's health by half during a battle. Flash, used to light up Rock Tunnel and make an opponent's accuracy fall. Cut used to cut certain bushes and is used like Scratch in battle. SURF, which lets you surf across any body of water and is used like the Hydro-Pump in battle.
Information in this section was contributed by Barrett Steinberg.

Hint: Keep earning money:
Here is a great way to keep getting money even after beating all the trainers in the game. Keep betting the Pokemon league 4 and your rival repeatedly. You can beat them an unlimited number of times. This is also a useful to build levels quickly.
Information in this section was contributed by D Generate Three Sixteen.

Hint: Fight Safari Pokemon elsewhere:
This trick allows you to fight Pokemon from one area of the game in another area. For example, go to the Safari zone and battle for a while. Fight a Tauros, then leave the Safari zone. Then, go to the island where Articuno is found. Swim up and down the shore, at the point where it appears that you are on the ground, but are actually swimming in the water. Monsters from the Safari zone will appear here.
Information in this section was contributed by Matt Golden.

Go to the desired area for the Pokemon you want to catch. If you do see the Pokemon you want, do not catch it. Run away, then exit the safari zone. Fly to Cinnabar Island then surf up and down on the coast facing the Seafoam Islands. Eventually you will see Pokemon from the Safari Zone. Note: You do not have to see the Pokemon you want to catch, you just have to go to the area of the Safari Zone where the Pokemon you want are located.
Information in this section was contributed by Nintendoboy789.

You do not have to see the Pokemon in the Safari Zone to catch them. You can just walk into it then back out and have a chance of getting Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by Rodney Dale.

Hint: Unlimited Safari Zone fishing:
You can use any rod in the Safari Zone and you will not lose any time while fishing.
Information in this section was contributed by Stefdy.

Hint: Alternate route to Cinnabar Island:
You do not have to go through Seafoam Island to get to Cinnabar Island. Return to Pallet Town and SURF down to reach Cinnabar Island.
Information in this section was contributed by Carl Olson.

Hint: Finding the secret house in Safari Zone:
Ironically, the easiest way to the secret house is to use a Pokemon that knows SURF. Trade a friend (temporary or not) and enter the Safari Zone. Go straight up to the water and SURF across (stop and pick up the item on the "island"). When you reach the other side of the water, go up towards the left and through the opening. Then, go straight up onto a hill and come down on the other side. Go down and keep going down until you reach another hill. Go up, go left, then get off the hill. Go up and SURF across the water. The secret house should be right in front of you. Enter the house and talk to the man, then press A on the first statue to your right. The gold teeth are to your right, past the hill, and down.

The other way to reach the is as follows: Go east (right) to the bush. Go up, then to the right on across the arrows. Go east, then up on the first hill, go west and come down. Go north-east, ignore the rest house, start to go west (above the first row of bushes), and stay under the second row. Keep going west. Cross the arrows into the next area. Go west, ignore the mountain, and you will reach three mini-lakes. Go north-east. Ignore the rest house, and go west again above the row of bushes. Just follow that path to the west, then south. You will soon reach the secret house area.
Information in this section was contributed by A15Vixen.

Hint: Unlimited chances to catch rare Pokemon:
First, find a rare Pokemon such as a Mewtwo. Then, immediately before entering a battle with it, save the game. Now you can battle the Pokemon without worrying about not catching it. If you make a mistake and make it faint, stop and shut off the game. Then, turn on the game and use the continue option to restart just before the battle.
Information in this section was contributed by Matt Golden.

Hint: Unlimited time for Safari Zone (Water Pokemon only):
This trick allows an unlimited amount of time in the Safari zone to catch Water Pokemon. Obtain a good or super rod. Next, go to the Safari zone and find some water. Then, go into inventory and use the rod to start fishing. If a "Not even a nibble" message appears, press A, then quickly press Start. If you got into a fight, check the Pokemon out. If it is one you do not have, catch it then quickly press Start after the battle. Return to the inventory and fish again. If you already have this Pokemon, run from it, then quickly press Start and begin fishing again. This will help you catch some good Water Pokemon with plenty of time.
Information in this section was contributed by Matt Golden.

Hint: Quick Safari Zone captures:
Go to the Safari Zone and use up your time in the different areas. Once the PA removes you from the hunt, fly to Cinnabar Island and SURF half on land and in the water on the side facing Seafoam Island. In a short amount of time, you will be able to capture all of the Pokemon from Safari Zone.
Information in this section was contributed by Articuno.

Hint: Fish forever:
In the Safari Zone, the 500 units that are allocated when entering are based on number of steps, not time, spent. You can fish forever in the park if you go to water and not move the entire time that you are fishing.

Hint: Fishing for good Pokemon:
This trick requires the Blue version of the game, a super rod, and five badges. Go fishing in the Pokemon HQ building. To reach the building, use the path west of Viridian City (route 22). Once inside, some annoying gaurds will ask if you have certain badges. You will eventually reach an indoor pool/lake that must be crossed on a Pokemon that knows SURF. Go fishing here to eventually catch Slowbro, Psyduck, Kingler, Seadra, and Seaking. Additionally, a Ditto may be caught in the grass across from the lake.

Information in this section was contributed by Kris Melroe.

Hint: Using rods:
Old rods only catch Magikarp. Good rods catch Goldeens, Magikarps, and Poliwags. Super Rods catch will catch all the water dwelling Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by Patriach1.

Hint: Better chance to capture Pokemon:
When you throw a Poke-ball hold A as it closes on the Pokemon. The Poke-ball will shut tighter, making it easier to catch the Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by Matt Golden.

When using any kind of Poke-ball (except the Master Ball), enter a battle and prepare to throw it at a Pokemon. As soon as it appears, hold Up + B. The Ball will become a Master Ball and catch the Pokemon. Note: This trick requires precise timing.
Information in this section was contributed by James Queen and cmw.

Throw any kind of ball while pressing A + Select to have it act like a Master Ball or Ultra Ball.
Information in this section was contributed by Daryl Hartley.

Hint: Catch Pokemon at level 15:
Press Start, A, B (requires precise timing) to catch a Pokemon at level 15 with the Poke-ball.
Information in this section was contributed by pika chu.

Hint: Catch Pokemon easilty:
To catch Pokemon easily using any kind of ball (except the Master Ball), go into battle. Hold B as soon as you see the ball explode. If you hold the button just as the ball explodes and release it after you see the ball wobble a second time, you will have a good chance at catching a Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by Dogracerx9.

Hint: Harder hitting attacks:
Hold A while attacking to do more damage.
Information in this section was contributed by Matt Golden.

Hint: Ineffective poisons:
If one of your strong Pokemon gets poisoned during a battle, just keep using a move that can cause an instant K.O.. If you keep knocking out the opponent's Pokemon one after another, the poison will not work. Also, instead of pressing and holding the D-pad, tap it to take small steps.
Information in this section was contributed by Chris Enoch.

Hint: Get all three beginning monsters at Professor Oak's lab:
Note: Another Game Boy with the game and a link cable are required for this trick. Transfer your Pokemon to the other Game Boy. Begin a new game on the original Game Boy and get a monster that was not collected in the first game and transfer it to the other Game Boy. Repeat this step again, then transfer the monsters back to the original Game Boy. This allows your game to have the three starting Pokemon (Bulbasaur, Charmander, and Squirtle) plus any others that were already captured.
Information in this section was contributed by Zapdos.

Note: When doing this trick, you are forced to loss all saved data on the game you want the Pokemon for, and if you do this trick later in the game, if you trade all your Pokemon back and forth, they will be to wild for a starter game.
Information in this section was contributed by Phil Abbate and Butrice99.

You can raise the Pokemon with rare candies up to level 255. After that, they return to level 0. Note: The Pokemon available may vary from cartridge to cartridge.

This trick is also dependent on the name of the trainer. For example, David on the red version allows you fight Mewtwos.
Information in this section was contributed by Bigbone690.

Hint: Go on Cycling Road without a bicycle:
Walk up as far as you can in the building to Cycling Road. Walk forward and the guard will say that you cannot go on cycling road without a bicycle. While he is saying that, hold Left and quickly press B several times until you are across from the guard. Note: If you already have a bike and you want to try this trick, deposit your bike in a computer.
Information in this section was contributed by Matt Gust and SuPErSaiYAn65.

Hint: Using the Poke Flute:
The Poke Flute can also be used to wake up sleeping Pokemon during battles, saving money from buying extra Awakenings.
Information in this section was contributed by Patriach1.

Hint: Getting the Master Ball:
Go into the fifth floor of the Silph Co. building in Saffron City. Go to the bottom of the screen to find a man standing next to a teleporter. Enter the teleporter to travel to another room. Get off the teleporter, then go in it again to return to the fifth floor. Go right to find a ball that looks like a Pokeball. Pick it up -- it should be a card key. Go back in the teleporter you used before. Get off the teleporter, then enter it again. Go up and go to the third floor. Go down, then go left to find a "wall" blocking the way. Talk to the "wall" and the card key will open it. Go left to find a teleporter. Enter the teleporter, then go left and you will battle Gary. Talk to the man near Gary and he will give you a Lapras. Keep going down, then four steps right. Go up, then talk to the "wall" to open it. Go up and battle Giovanni. Defeat him, then talk to the man (Mr. Fuji). He will take you to his house and give you a Master Ball. This Poke Ball will catch Pokemon 100% of the time. You can only use it once, so use it on rare Pokemon such Moltres, Mewto, Zapdos and Arcticuno.
Information in this section was contributed by dale cunningham and Chris.

Hint: Catching Water Pokemon:
Stand in front of any statue of a gym and use the rod to catch Water Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by Patriach1.

Hint: Using the Item Finder:
The item finder is only useful if you know where to look. Try dead end and secluded areas as well as the underground tunnels.
Information in this section was contributed by Patriach1.

When you get the Item Finder people say that you can find a bottle with a note saying Mariuu (Pikablu) is located somewhere in the Seafoam Islands. You are supposed to use the Item Finder in the water near the Mewtwo lair. However, this bottle cannot be found in the Blue or Red version. You can hear the beep of an item, but you can never get it.
Information in this section was contributed by PoKeBrood1.

Hint: Dig advantage:
Dig is very effective against Ghost and Psychic Pokemon.
Information in this section was contributed by Patriach1.

Hint: No need to typecast:
Dragon Rage, Sonicboom, Night Shade, Super Fang, Psywave, and Seismic Toss are attacks that are never typecast. Those attacks will always do normal damage regardless of Pokemon types.
Information in this